Thomas was invited by the U.S General Consulat to an election party in Leipsig. There we're over 300 people there and it was pretty cool. They had a singer there who was dressed up like elvis and singing elvis songs. It was pretty entertaining.
It's crazy to think that people in other countrys, like germany, care what is going on in America. I guess it just shows how imporant this election is. It was pretty funny to see everybody wearing Obama buttons and the Mccain buttons laying in shunned piles. For every 1 Mccain button i saw, there we're 6 or 7 Obamas.
I took a quiz about the election process for america and i got everything right so they called me up around 12:30 A.M. and i recieved an "American Roots" CD and a magazine about it.
Thomas and I had some time before the party so we went to a place where they used to keep cannons stored for wartime but i cant remember what it was called. Its now a bar/ restraunt and it was pretty cool... it was all undergound and the food was cheap. It started to fill up when we were leaving. The have one room that can sit about 25 seats and they show soccer games for free.
We also went to Völkerschlachtdenkmal which is the tallest monument in Europe. It was dark but they had lights on it so you could still see it. ITS SO BIG.
I don't update this blog much because nothing interesting is happening! If anybody ( about the 4 readers that i have) has any suggestions about what you think i should write about or what you would like to hear, post in the comments.
There are some more pictures that i will post but i don't have them yet.
i think that your updates are probably more interesting to other people than you realize. i want to here more about your family already...and your classes...and how is the german coming?
ps why do you have a yankees hat on??! the phillies just won the world are a disgrace
you now are up to 5 readers - and if you haven't figured it out yet from all my comments, I think your blog is great....
I too want to hear about your family....what are your surroundings like. is it more like a village and old or does it remind you of town in the states
What do you eat?
What are people's names - are they really unusual and hard to figure out when you first hear them?
Reader# 6...
Hi John,
I just figured this thing out. Gram gave me this address.
I think your posts are great. I read the whole thing. I hope the German gets easier. You have a great sense of humor.
You have answered all of my questions. So much for the email!
I love the picture of your host Mom in the German dress. I am glad your host family is so nice.
Leo sounds great.
We had 70 people for Thanksgiving dinner at the Community building. All went well. We missed you
Richard is going for his permit on Tuesday, if all goes well.
I'll keep checking your posts.
Aunt Gerri
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