I went to Bonn for the entirety of last week with my exchange group AFS. It was the mid-stay for the CBYX scholarship winners. There were 19 other americans there and 5 or 6 Betreuers...i cant remeber the word for that because even when we spoke in englisch, we said Betreuer...but its meens the person who was in charge.
I got up at 8 on Tuesday morning and took a 3 and half hour train ride to Hannover. There i met up with 2 other amerikaners. We ended up finding 2 other, but they had reserved seating on the train. We just kinda camped out by the door. In hannover, i had to talk to a couple of differnt germans about trains and how they were changing. My german worked out and i figured everything out. Our train going from hannover to Bonn ended up delaying itself. We evertualy figured everything out and got into Bonn. The first night we spent speaking a suprising amount of german. It was interesting to see how everyone elses German had progressed and all the differnt akzents. After the first night, we pretty much switched to englisch though because it was just easier. WE also spoke alot of Denglisch.
On wednesday, we went to Bonncity and went to the national german history museum. I understood alot and also didnt understand alot. Nevertheless, it was interesting. I dont have anypictures because i totaled my camera the first night. Awesome. Perfect. Nice.
It also consisted of doing workshops and talking in groups. I dont remember what the workshops were about, so i guess they werent that effective/important.
On thursday, we went to an art museum and walked aorund Bonn. It was alot of fun. Once again, i regret not having my camera.
Friday was the day that we went to Koeln (Cologne)! It was really cool! We saw this huge church, the Dome. It was the biggest church i have ever seen. You could fit about 7 saint Patricks in there. It was insainly huge. We climbed 505 steps to the top. My thighs wanted to explode, to say the least. The rest of the day was spent exploring cologne. It was fun just talking with all the other exhcnage students about germany. That night, afs brought us to a Brewerie. It was alot of fun.
Saturday was a liesure day. It was amazing outside and we played alot of hockey and basketball. It was about 70 degress out. It hard to explain the feeling that you get when you dont have anything to worry about and everything is going good. but it was that kind of day.
We all went home sunday morning. Of course, a couple of trains were late but it all worked out in the end. This week was so much fun. I really cant want to see all of these people again. We're going in MAy to Berlin. Except it will be all 50 kids from Washington Dc. I cant wait!
Ill try and post some pictures from the week. I need to get them from people.