I haven't posted in a while but not much has been going on. I have been going to Language school everday and i still don't feel like i'm getting the language. Real school starts next monday and i'm reallly nervous about it.
On thursday when i was walking to school, two guys around 20 cornered me against a wall and started speaking rapid german to me. i told them i didn't speak much german and that i was from America (in german). One ended up being from California and the other from Utah. They're here in germany spreading the word of Mormon.....they said to stop by their "church" on the 3rd floor above a burger king to get a free book of mormon.....Seems legitimate.
I'm not sure if i have talked about this before but german breakfasts are amazing. There are 3 or 4 differnt kinds of bread to put cheese, meats, butter, peanutebutter, NUTELLA!. anything you want. Its amazing!
Sometime this week i will post a bunch of pictures of my host family, Aschersleben and other things. If i'm bored ( and need a distraction from studying german) ill make a video!